I Build Things.

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Cover Image for So what do I build?

Solutions. To work on Interdiciplinary problems with equally diverse teams is my ideal. Thriving at the intersection of mechanical systems, electronics, software development and design, I always try to approach problems holistically.
Whether it’s designing aerodynamic solutions, coding machine learning algorithms, or crafting intuitive user experiences, I leverage my diverse skills to build efficient, impactful, and scalable solutions.

What I've Done!

Cover Image for DJI RoboMaster DART team

DJI RoboMaster DART team

Collaborated with NUS Calibur Robotics under Undergrad Research Experience to develop a high accuracy projectile launching robot to base future iterations on.

Solidworks, CFD, Aerodynamic Matlab Simulations, 3d Printing
Solidworks, CFD, Aerodynamic Matlab Simulations, 3d Printing
Cover Image for Soybean Decision Support System: Leveraging NASA Satellite Data

Soybean Decision Support System: Leveraging NASA Satellite Data

NASA SpaceApps 2024, My team developed a data-driven approach towards optimizing decision making in selecting appropriate Soy Beans by regions

Pandas, Numpy, Data Visualization, API Integration
Pandas, Numpy, Data Visualization, API Integration
Cover Image for Implementation of Fundemental ML Concepts

Implementation of Fundemental ML Concepts

Built increasingly complex ML models ranging from simple bigram models to a basic transformer model. During which, implemented concepts from the following papers; Wavenet a generative model for raw audio, Attention is all you need, Deep residual learning for image recognition, Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors ML Paper (Dropout Technique)

Pytorch, Matplotlib, CUDA
Pytorch, Matplotlib, CUDA