I Build Things.
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Solutions. To work on Interdiciplinary problems with equally diverse teams is my ideal. Thriving at the intersection of mechanical systems, electronics, software development and design, I always try to approach problems holistically.
Whether it’s designing aerodynamic solutions, coding machine learning algorithms, or crafting intuitive user experiences, I leverage my diverse skills to build efficient, impactful, and scalable solutions.
What I've Done!
DJI RoboMaster DART team
Collaborated with NUS Calibur Robotics under Undergrad Research Experience to develop a high accuracy projectile launching robot to base future iterations on.
Soybean Decision Support System: Leveraging NASA Satellite Data
NASA SpaceApps 2024, My team developed a data-driven approach towards optimizing decision making in selecting appropriate Soy Beans by regions
Implementation of Fundemental ML Concepts
Built increasingly complex ML models ranging from simple bigram models to a basic transformer model. During which, implemented concepts from the following papers; Wavenet a generative model for raw audio, Attention is all you need, Deep residual learning for image recognition, Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors ML Paper (Dropout Technique)